
Time to Bid Farewell to Handwritten Orders & Embrace the FeedMe Kitchen Display System (KDS)
Time to Bid Farewell to Handwritten Orders & Embrace the FeedMe Kitchen Display System (KDS)

In the fast-paced world of modern dining, efficiency and accuracy are key to success. One of the innovations that has revolutionized the restaurant industry is the Kitchen Display System (KDS). This system represents a significant leap by integrating communications between the front and back of restaurant operations. It not only helps chefs cook with ease but also keeps delivery timelines on track.  Despite the many conveniences this system offers in the bustling restaurant industry, many merchants are still reluctant to embrace it and continue relying on traditional paper writing instead. While this method is cost-effective, but have you considered the number of missed orders or delayed orders it may cause in your restaurant? If you find yourself in this situation, here are the 5 reasons why you should consider replacing your handwritten order tickets with our Kitchen Display System, seamlessly work with the FeedMe Smart POS System!  What is a Kitchen Display Order System? A Kitchen Display System (KDS) is a digital solution designed to facilitate the communication between staff and chef in restaurants. Instead of relying on handwritten or printed tickets, orders are electronically transmitted from the POS system directly to display screens strategically placed in the kitchen. Imagine a scenario where orders seamlessly flow from the front to the kitchen without the need for handwritten tickets or verbal relay. This is the promise of a well-integrated KDS and POS system. It's a game-changer that ensures every detail of a customer's order is conveyed accurately and promptly to the kitchen staff. What Makes FeedMe Kitchen Display System (KDS) Different from Others? We offer you the flexibility to choose the view that best suits your restaurant’s needs!  Kitchen Display System (Kitchen Mode) – The digital screen displays order information directly in the kitchen. One of the key features is the real-time order display and meal preparation timeline.  Kitchen Display System (Window Mode) – The digital screen that will help to notify your ground staff when prepared food is ready for pickup from the kitchen.  Scroll Down to Discover 5 Advantages of Having a Kitchen Display System in Your Restaurant Matter 1. Enhanced Order Accuracy Without a Kitchen Display System (KDS) integrated with the POS, restaurant staff rely on manual methods to transmit orders from the front house to the kitchen. By integrating both in a system eliminates the potential for human errors in order transmission. Orders entered the POS are automatically sent to the kitchen display, where they are clear, legible, and complete. This accuracy minimizes misunderstandings and ensures that kitchen staff can begin food preparation promptly.  2. Improved Efficiency and Speed of Service In a busy kitchen environment, every second counts. Without a Kitchen Display System (KDS), kitchen staff may have to wait for written orders or rely on verbal communication from servers, resulting in delays in food preparation. Therefore, KDS reduces waiting times for customers and enables restaurants to efficiently handle higher volumes of orders during peak periods. Additionally, the real-time tracking feature allows merchants to identify which menus took the longest time to prepare, and hence make further improvements. 3. Optimal Workflow Management  Managing the flow of orders manually can be challenging, especially when handling a high volume of orders or complex menu items. A Kitchen Display System (KDS) helps organise tasks and reduce bottlenecks in food preparation, leading to smoother operations and consistent service delivery. Our FeedMe Kitchen Display System (KDS) offers two key functions, Kitchen Mode and Window Mode, which greatly facilitate workflow. Each time an order is placed in the POS system, it instantly notifies the kitchen staff, often with a loud chime. When the food is ready, the front staff receives a notification via KDS Window Mode to pick it up from the kitchen.  4. Cost Saving & Boost Up Sales Without a Kitchen Display System (KDS), restaurants may require additional servers or kitchen staff to effectively manage the workload, leading to increased operational costs and reduced profitability. Apart from the challenges in hiring, merchants may also spend considerable time training new staff on the entire workflow, which can be time-consuming. An efficient restaurant can achieve higher sales volumes due to faster table turnover rates. Quicker ordering and cooking times ensure that customers receive their meals promptly, improving table turnover rates and enabling more diners per service. Additionally, fulfill more takeout and delivery orders. 5. Better Customer Satisfaction The integration of POS and Kitchen Display System (KDS) significantly improves overall customer satisfaction. Orders are processed accurately and quickly, ensuring a delightful dining experience. Customers benefit from reduced wait times, precisely prepared meals, and personalized service tailored to their preferences. Our FeedMe Order Display System (ODS) is designed to efficiently manage takeout or delivery orders, enabling our restaurant to prioritize dine-in customers. Positioned at the cashier counter, the ODS allows delivery riders and self-pickup customers to easily check their order status independently. Additionally, the system also helps optimize restaurant operations by minimizing order errors, thereby allowing restaurant staff to dedicate more time to attending to dine-in customers. In conclusion, integrating a Kitchen Display System (KDS) with a POS represents more than just a technological enhancement; it is a strategic investment in a restaurant’s success and profitability. By addressing common pain points associated with manual order processing and communication, integrated systems empower restaurants to deliver exceptional service, optimize operations, and consistently exceed customer expectations in today’s competitive restaurant industry.

Hershey Goh
Hershey Goh
Bridging the Gap: How Delivery Integration with FeedMe Smart POS System Transforms Restaurant Efficiency
Bridging the Gap: How Delivery Integration with FeedMe Smart POS System Transforms Restaurant Efficiency

In the competitive and fast-paced world of the restaurant industry, efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction are crucial for success. One of the most significant advancements that can help to achieve these goals is none other than having delivery integration services with POS systems. An increase in food delivery orders has been noticeable for quite some time. Despite the end of the pandemic, customers are still opting for food delivery services for convenience, and they don’t mind paying extra for the delivery charges. However, many restaurant merchants still operate without this essential integration, facing numerous challenges that could hinder their operational efficiencies and customer satisfaction as well. If you are one of them and trying to seek solutions to improve and streamline all these services, you are in the right place! Scroll down as we will share more insights on why you need to get delivery integration that is seamlessly connected to your POS system in your restaurant!  Enhanced Operational Efficiency   Without delivery integration, restaurant staff need manually enter delivery orders into the POS system. The manual data entry process is time-consuming and often prone to human error. When the restaurant gets busy during the peak hour such as lunch or dinner, this multiple order can get confusing for your staff. These errors can lead to order duplication, incorrect entries, and discrepancies in inventory management. To streamline this process, each delivery order must be input separately to avoid the risk of mistakes and not increasing the workload for your employees. Via FeedMe Delivery Integration, merchants will get notification on the FeedMe Smart POS System upon customer place order directly from the delivery platform in real time. This ensures accurate order processing and reduces delays, leading to faster service and allowing staff to focus on other essential tasks!  Enhanced Customer Experience In the recent survey, delivery time ranked the most important factor that could influence customer satisfaction towards a restaurant image. Many customers expect their order being delivered according to the stated delivery timeframe. However, there are many factors that could affect this time frame such as manual processing for food delivery order.  Manual processing delivery orders can cause delays, resulting in longer wait times for customers. However, this can be avoided via FeedMe Delivery Integration. Automated order processing speeds up the fulfilment process, reducing waiting times for delivery orders. The integration reduces the risk errors in order details, ensuring that customers receive the correct foods. In an era where customers expect quick and accurate service, this will give better customer satisfaction and positive reviews as well.  Adjust Listing Anytime & Anywhere Constantly updating your menu listings and prices can be a hassle without proper delivery integration. Your staff might need to spend a lot of time manually updating both the POS system and the delivery platform. To avoid mistakes, our FeedMe Delivery Integration allows you to edit and update the menu from the FeedMe Portal backend. The changes will automatically sync with your delivery platform, saving your staff valuable time! Improved Inventory Management  The lack of integration between delivery services and POS systems makes real-time inventory tracking almost impossible. This disconnect results in inaccurate stock levels, leading to frequent stock outs or overstock situations. Integration allows for real-time inventory updates as orders are placed and fulfilled. This ensures that stock levels are always accurate, the restaurant can make informed purchasing decisions, optimizing stock levels and reducing waste. This leads to better cost management and improved profitability. Comprehensive Reporting & Analytics Disconnected systems result in fragmented data, making it challenging to compile comprehensive reports and gain insights into business performance. Sales and delivery data stored separately hinders accurate and timely decision-making, affecting strategies related to marketing, inventory, and operations. Through FeedMe Delivery Integration, we will consolidate sales and delivery data into a single platform, providing a comprehensive view of business performance. This unified data is essential for generating accurate and insightful reports. Access to detailed analytics helps restaurant owners make informed decisions about marketing strategies, inventory management, and operational improvements. This data-driven approach supports business growth and profitability. The absence of delivery integration with POS systems presents numerous challenges for restaurant merchants. Operational inefficiencies, inventory management issues, financial implications, and competitive disadvantages are just a few of the pain points that hinder business growth and customer satisfaction. Addressing these challenges through FeedMe Delivery Integration is not just a technological upgrade but a strategic imperative for restaurants aiming to thrive in today’s dynamic market. By adopting integrated systems, restaurants can streamline operations, enhance customer experience, and ultimately achieve greater business success.

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Hershey Goh
How FeedMe Smart POS System Can Turn Social Media into a Restaurant Traffic Magnet
How FeedMe Smart POS System Can Turn Social Media into a Restaurant Traffic Magnet

In today’s digital age, the power of social media in driving foot traffic to restaurants cannot be underestimated. From tantalizing food photos to engaging customer interactions, social media platforms offer a dynamic avenue for restaurants to showcase their unique offerings and connect with their audience on a personal level. But while the benefits of a strong social media presence are undeniable, many restaurant owners may not realise the full potential that lies within their POS system to leverage this digital landscape.  Imagine when you’re scrolling through your Instagram feed, and a vibrant photo of a mouthwatering dish from a local restaurant catches your eye. The caption invites you to visit for a special promotion, and before you know it, you’re making plans to dine there with friends. This scenario explains the result of a strategic approach to social media content, powered by insights from the POS system.  At the heart of this strategy is the power of social media marketing with POS data analytics. By marrying these two elements, restaurant owners can unlock a treasure trove of opportunities to drive traffic, boost sales, and foster customer loyalty. Let’s explore how the FeedMe Smart POS system can serve as the secret ingredient in your social media success recipe.  1. Visual Storytelling  Diversify the visuals you use for both your social media content and FeedMe Smart POS system. We recognize that many restaurant owners often seek quick solutions, opting to simply showcase their menu on social media feeds. However, it's crucial to embrace creativity, as social media content serves as the initial impression when customers discover your restaurant. Consider incorporating high-quality images and videos showcasing your restaurant's ambiance, signature dishes, or behind-the-scenes moments to captivate attention on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Simultaneously, prioritize product-driven visuals on the POS system, ensuring customers can easily navigate when placing their orders. 2. Engagement Empowerment  Social media is not just about broadcasting, but it also works as engaging with your audience. Responding to comments, messages, reviews humanizes your brand and builds relationships with your customers. Our FeedMe Smart POS system plays a crucial role in this by providing insight into customer preferences and behaviour. By analyzing POS data, you can tailor your social media interactions to cater to specific customer needs. For example, if your POS system indicates a group of customers frequently order vegetarian dishes, you can create targeted social media content to highlight your vegetarian options.  3. Promotions and Offers Social media platforms are excellent for promoting special deals, discounts, and special offers. Whether it’s a BOGO (Buy-One-Get-One) deal, happy hour special, or a holiday promotion, social media can help spread the word quickly and effectively. The FeedMe Smart POS system can generate unique coupons for customers to redeem via the app itself. By tracking the redemption of coupons, you can measure the effectiveness of your social media promotions and provide valuable insights for future marketing campaigns.  4. User-Generated Content (UGC)  Encouraging user-generated content is a powerful way to amplify your restaurant’s reach on social media. By incentivizing customers to share their dining experiences through photos, reviews, and hashtags, you can create authentic and relatable content that resonates with your target audience. You can facilitate UGC campaigns by offering rewards or discounts to customers who share content featuring your restaurant. This not only shows appreciation for customers but also leaves them with a better impression of the restaurant. 5. Collaborations and Influencer Marketing Partner with local influencers or food bloggers to promote your restaurant to their followers. Collaborations can include hosting influencer meet-ups or offering complimentary meals in exchange for social media coverage. Food reviews on social media are becoming increasingly popular among consumers. Unlike other platforms where customers must browse through a variety of content to obtain reviews, Xiao Hong Shu or Lemon8 is a place where they can quickly locate what they need. Through the FeedMe Smart POS system, you can track the impact of influencer collaborations by hosting a special giveaway and contest winners can redeem the free-meal coupon from the FeedMe App itself!  In conclusion, social media content can be a powerful tool for driving traffic to your restaurant, and your POS system can play a crucial role in leveraging its potential. By combining compelling visuals, interactive engagement, targeted promotions, user-generated content, and community engagement, you can create a comprehensive social media strategy that not only attracts new customers but also fosters loyalty and enhances the overall dining experience.

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Hershey Goh
Tactics to Boost Your Restaurant Revenue & Keep Your Customer Pocket Happy
Tactics to Boost Your Restaurant Revenue & Keep Your Customer Pocket Happy

Are you finding it challenging to attract more customers to your restaurant and boost your revenue? We understand the frustration of watching potential diners pass by without stepping foot inside. That's why we want to share these 5 tactics that can effectively boost your restaurant revenue while keeping your customers’ wallets happy at the same time. We believe that when your customers are satisfied, they are more likely to make additional purchases and spend more time at your place! This is especially crucial towards the end of the month when many customers may be hesitant to spend until their next salary arrives!  Mix & Match for Saver Value  Merchants can set up multiple marketing campaigns to attract customers to return to their restaurant and boost spending power. The “Mix & Match” options can be easily set up within the system, enables customers to order online and choose from a selection of delicious menu items. Paired with a refreshing drink or side, this promotion ensures that customers can enjoy a satisfying meal every day at an affordable price. By offering flexibility and value through “Mix & Match” options, merchants can enhance the dining experience and encourage repeat visits.  You can set up the “Mix & Match” options directly from Portal, check out our step-by-step guides HERE.  Buy 1 Free 1 Promotion   Offering a free item with a purchase is one of the most effective ways to attract more customers. This promotion not only encourages customers to make a purchase but also entices them to spend more than they originally intended. It serves as a powerful tool to increase revenue and drive sales. We would suggest merchants to select menu items with lower ingredient costs to maintain profitability while still offering attractive deals to customers. This promotion should be strategically implemented on a quarterly basis to create a sense of exclusivity. By making it a rare opportunity, customers will be more inclined to take advantage of the deal, enhancing their overall dining experience. The “Buy 1 Free 1 Promotion” not only benefits customers by providing them with added value but also benefits the restaurant by driving traffic.   Not sure how to set this up on our system? Don’t worry, check out our step-by-step guides HERE. Discount Voucher & Coupons Are you tired of relying on outdated ways to attract customers to your restaurant? We understand the challenges of printing physical vouchers that can be costly and time-consuming, not to mention harmful to the environment as well. Furthermore, customers often forget to bring along discount vouchers when dining out. Despite this, discount vouchers remain an effective marketing strategy to capture customers’ attention. That’s why we’ve simplified the process for our merchants by eliminating the need for printing vouchers and coupons. With our system, merchants can strategically decide when to send out vouchers, such as next purchase discount or etc. This not only shows appreciation for customers but also leaves them with a better impression of the restaurant. Merchants can measure the success of the promotion by tracking how many customers have redeemed it.  Build Up Loyalty Program We understand that it's not enough for customers to visit your restaurant just once; we want them to keep coming back time and time again. To achieve this goal, we strongly advise merchants to set up a loyalty program. Such a program not only encourages repeat business but also fosters longer-lasting relationships with your customers. A loyalty program serves as a powerful tool for incentivizing customer loyalty and rewarding their ongoing patronage. By offering enticing rewards and perks for frequent visits and birthday celebrations, you can effectively cultivate a loyal customer base that chooses your restaurant over competitors. Moreover, a well-designed loyalty program allows merchants to gather valuable data and insights into customer preferences and behaviour. This information can then be leveraged to personalize marketing efforts, enhance the customer experience, and drive additional revenue. A loyalty program is more than just a rewards scheme.  Get started now and build up a loyalty program! Click HERE to find out more! Create Limited-Offer/Seasonal Menu  Successful merchants are always innovating new menus in their restaurants. One of the main reasons is to retain customers rather than losing them. By offering unique and exclusive menu items, merchants can attract new customers who are eager to try something different. Limited-offer or seasonal menus create a sense of excitement, motivating customers to visit your restaurant specifically to experience these offerings. Moreover, introducing new items on a limited-time basis allows customers to sample and provide feedback before deciding whether to add them permanently to the menu. This approach minimizes risk and ensures that only the most popular and well-received dishes become permanent fixtures, enhancing overall customer satisfaction. Studies show that customers are willing to pay more to try new menu items. In conclusion, by incorporating these strategies into your restaurant, you can create a thriving restaurant environment that not only attracts new customers but also keeps them coming back for more, all while ensuring their wallets remain happy. So why wait? Don't hesitate to start implementing these tactics today and witness firsthand how they can transform your restaurant. By staying proactive and innovative in your approach, you'll pave the way for sustained success and growth in the competitive restaurant industry.

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Hershey Goh
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Innovation is the core of our business approach.
FeedMe is a smart POS system designed for
F&B restaurants to manage your business effortlessly.

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